A Place
To Create
At Ease
9,000+ sq/ft Warehouse
ACME Creation Lab is a private studio and workshop space located right in the heart of Dallas, TX
ACME Creation Lab is a private studio and workshop space located right in the heart of Dallas, TX
Classes are included with membership or available for booking online!
ACME Creation Lab offers a unique space for artists and creators to showcase their work. Contact us today to see how we can help!
ACME recently suffered a fire and we have been working tirelessly to rebuild the space for the Dallas community.
Learn more about ways to help.
Recently acme saw the world was on fire and stepped up to the plate to make a difference. By pooling our resources and getting a whole community of amazing artists aimed at a singular goal ACME managed to get truck loads of face sheilds distributed all over texas to nurses and first responders.
Come see our available spaces strting at 350$ with larger options available.
Take the tour and meet the community at an open house.
Reach out! Say hello!